Saturday, 31 January 2015

New Year's Resolutions Update!

Hello everyone, 

As part of my New Years Resolutions I wanted to drink more water and no fizzy drinks; say YES to more things; stick to a fitness regime and to blog every week. So far I've only failed at one of these things which was blogging. 

I initially wanted to blog every weekend and I've failed as I've missed the past 3 weekends. This was partially as I've had no blog inspiration at all and had no ideas on what to do. I can assure you that i will get back on the 'blogging wagon' and hopefully (fingers crossed) blog every week- either Saturday or a Sunday. Now before you start thinking about why  i haven't done a blog post in 3 weeks, I've been in the process of moving house and boxing all my things up which meant that my laptop was temporarily packed away for a week or two. The week before that i just didn't have any blog ideas and i didn't want to put something up that was rushed and was not enjoyable for you to read. I am now back and i have made notes of blogs for the upcoming weeks and the blogs that i want to do after that. The weeks will be a different type of blog post so that way I'm not doing the same thing every week.

If you have any ideas of what what you would like to see my blog about, please feel free to comment your ideas below!

By saying YES to things, it has been challenging and it has to be by far the hardest resolution. One of the biggest and best things has been that i may be going back to Florida (Disneyland this time). You may think that this cannot have been a hard thing to say YES to, but the last time i was there, i had around 6 panic attacks. Granted- i had an amazing time, but i really want to not worry about my anxiety or what people think of me this time around. Another thing i have thought about saying YES to is doing the Duke Of Edinburgh. This is a opportunity i don't really want to miss out on. As i am in Year 10 we get the chance to do the Bronze award. This includes a expedition; voluntary work; skills and fitness. This again seems like an easy thing to say YES to but for me being away in somewhere i don't know makes me want to be physically sick. Not having control of what will happen, and where we go and where we stay - honestly scares me a little! However i am going to try and tackle this ongoing battle between myself as my friends are doing it and i think it will be a good learning curve and i think that it will be better as i know the people that i will be going with. 

I am quite proud of myself for sticking to this! Ive not had any fizzy drinks since the 1st January!! This may not seem like something i should be proud of as i know many people just drink water. But for me, normally, i would just go straight for Fanta, or Sprite and that would be it! To be perfectly honest, i quite like drinking water. Its helped my skin to not get dry as often and just makes me feel a whole lot better within myself. Even going out for meals I've just had water!

The fitness side has been a struggle given the weather. Here where i live in the UK the weather has not been treating us 'Brits' very well. Theres been snow, ice, wind, rain and the few occasional days of sunshine but that didn't last very long. The nearest gym to me is about 5 minutes away but you have to be 16 to sign up (which I'm not). This meant that i couldn't go there when i want. Ive been trying to stick to a regime which i could do at home. I try to do that 3-4 times a week so that i don't slack and fall behind. Something which i think that helps stick to it is downloading fitness apps. These are great as they give you the option of easy or hard workouts and you can do them in 7-15 minutes which are great. When the weather gets better i will be going out for runs/walks more often and when i move, my friend suggested that we should go out for runs as at the bottom of the street there is a walking path which would be great use. 

Those are just the updates of my New Years Resolutions. Sorry that i haven't posted in a while but i will be blogging more often now! 

please let me know in the comments below how you are sticking to your resolutions if you made any! 

Goodbye x 

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