Friday, 11 March 2016

Another Year...

hello everyone, 

Now last year, i wrote a blog post about how the past year had changed (Check this blog post out here) so i thought it was only right to follow this through to this year.

So on my last blog i didnt really plan on making it a yearly thing but i feel like i should just tell you all what has happened since the beginning of 2015.

Now if you have read my previous blog - linked above- you will notice i said i had changed friend groups to a larger friend group- now towards march of 2015 my friend group changed again. I went from having 5-6 best friends to just 1! Now heres the story... the girl who is now my best friend and like my sister used to be someone i hated! And i mean we never got on, we thought we had different interests and we just didnt know each other well enough to get on with each other. Now since circumstances changed we both had mutual feelings on things and we suddenly became friends. Now she's like my sister and i wouldn't change her for the world (cringe i know). Now i also became even closer with Shania (Check her blog out) and her friend group even though we all have slightly different interests. Shania is also someone i wouldn't change for the world and I'm honestly so glad we are such good friends! 

Now this may seem random but something that definitely changed was my hair, i think 2015 was my bit of experimental hair colours. I went ombré towards the beginning of the year and i loved it! I did my work experience in the hairdressers and went an even lighter shade of blonde, now this colour failed drastically and my hair dresser hadn't done it properly so i ended up going to school with half blonde- half gold mismatched hair colour which left my hair very very dead and mistreated at the bottom ends. About 3 days after that i went back to my natural-ish colour of brown as i was going to Florida the week after and didnt want my hair looking a clip. 
The brown then faded a bit and looked okay over my holiday - thank god! Then i came back and my old old hairdresser asked me to be his model for his new salon that he worked at. I ended up with black/brown hair that i actually loved for about 3 weeks until i decided it was too much and i eventually went back brown. 
I loved my hair long but it felt like it wasn't growing anymore and was really dead so at the beginning of february i went shoulder-length short and had my blonde ombré/highlights back in and i bloody love it! 

Now enough about my hair- my attitude to life has changed considerably over the past year. 
Ive hated science- ever since primary school, now year 10 was quite a difficult year with a lot of supply teachers and the science department not being unto normal standards. However i walked out with a B in biology which i was very shocked at! Now this gave me motivation that i could actually do biology and set my focus to positive mode and not think i couldn't do it and i now love it that I'm doing it at A-Level! 

Love was a big part of my life in 2015 and not really a time i like remembering. However it taught me some life lessons and I'm very thankful for that. Now, no jumping to conclusions, it didnt end horrifically but it didnt end like i expected it would or how it would and i still find myself thinking sometimes about what would have happened if we hadn't broke up but then i realise I'm so much better off without him and I'm a much more positive person and i have time to focus on myself more!

Now one thing i wanted to crack last year was my panic attacks and anxiety and i can say i managed to do that to a certain extent. Ive reduced the number of panic attacks I've had and managed to voice my thoughts instead of keeping them to myself to let them overthink. 
This took some time to figure out for myself but i found focusing more on myself and not what was going on around me really helped me.

Another thing i have done to manage positivity is to keep a memories jar. I saw this on Pinterest and it was basically a mason jar and each time something either good happens, something with the beauty of nature or just a general LOL moment, take note of it on a piece of paper and put it in the jar. 
This has helped because whenever i feel down i look at the jar and see how many good things have happened already in the year and it seems to take some of my negativity away. I can't wait to look back at the end of the year!

Now i know these type of blog posts can seem really rambly and very long but i felt like i needed another yearly blog post like this 

goodbye x 

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